Author: Jim Mueller

“It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. - Carl Sagan

MASS Meeting Notes Nov 6, 2015

MASS Meeting Nov 6, 2015 Last meeting was 9/25/15, 6 weeks ago, attendees Dean, Phil, Harry, Dave, Sylvio & I (6); Today is our 42nd meeting, in attendance special guest Kevin (our 2nd professional astronomer), Keith, Phil, Sylvio, Ed, Jim A. and Sophia and I (9) Started Meeting with music video “Over the Horizon” produced…
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MASS Meeting Notes Sept 25, 2015

MASS Meeting Sept 25, 2015 Previous meeting was 8/14/15, in attendance Dean, Phil, Harry, Jim A. & I (5); our 41st meeting; Library with Dean “Shine on Harvest Moon” Monday 9/28/15 7-8 PM I’m taking 4 courses online: Calculus of Ohio State Univ., Geology from Univ. of Illinois, 2 astronomy courses – “The Evolving Universe” from CalTech &…
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MASS Plutopalooza & 4th Anniversary Meeting

Last Friday the meeting started a half hour early, so that we could dine with plenty of time for subsequent Pluto discussion. The evening started with crackers and a cheese ball imprinted with a heart of cheese. We could call that our version of Tombaugh Regio. Some partook in a “Pluto” beer. Actual Uranus (full…
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Hello, my name is James Mueller, co-founder with Dean Mikolajczyk of the “Midwest Astronomy and Space Society” (MASS).  You have reached our website!  This site is currently being updated at this time.  Please come by later in the week as we update the system.  Thanks again, for stopping by! – Jim

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